What’s happening to SM Southmall?

Have you visited SM Southmall lately?

Most of the stores in the second floor have closed. There are just some stalls on the sides offering small items and also those that are on sale.

Most stores are also offering sale items and there are many brands that are featured in the middle between the SM Department store and Ace Hardware and also in the other surrounding areas.

The people offering credit cards are still there though. Haha.

According to someone we spoke to, the management is planning on converting Southmall into something like SM MOA–with all the tambayans and picnic areas at the back to make it more like a place for families.

An IMax theater is going to be built there too, according to our source.

We also heard the word “gigibain.” We don’t know if they’re really going to demolish the mall or just renovate though. The stores that are still open will continue to operate until around September before the full fixing of the place is started.

We also heard that this is because Alabang Town Center is getting the crowd of Southmall. Hence, the revamp. But their stores serve different crowds, right?

At any rate, any change for the better is good for everyone.

Now if they can only eliminate the traffic in that area…

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No Responses

  1. Vlady de Ramos says:

    imho, SM hypermart is more active these days than Southmall.

    i believe they should repackage, pero kawawa naman mga tenants.