“Bato Kotse” incidents inside BF Homes alarm residents
In a Facebook post forwarded to Alabang Bulletin, there were at least two incidents of residents’ cars being hit by rocks while passing by certain roads inside BF.

Photo by Jericho Martin from Facebook
According to Jericho Martin, he was cruising near Pablo Roman St. around 12 midnight when “the vehicle sounded like it hit something.”
He then slowed down to check but then another sound alarmed him again.
“Then I remembered that “Bato Kotse” ploy so I decided to just speed away,” narrated Martin in his Facebook post.
Another victim, Lorjun Salvador, said he and his wife were on their way home from a gathering and were by Tropical Ave. where an open field/vacant lot was when a big rock from across the wall hit their car.
“We didn’t stop for fear that there may be people waiting to pounce on us once we open our doors,” said Salvador in his post.
This also happened around midnight, he added.
The particular area where both incidents happened are pretty much known to be dark as there are no working lamp posts in the area.
Hopefully, the Las Pinas (since it is part of Las Pinas already) Police will take some steps into making the area safe since
We enjoin all vehicle owners who frequent the mentioned area to be extra careful and also to do what both victims did — do not stop to inspect the damage to your car yet. This is what these people want. Go to a well-lighted area or better yet go straight to the nearest barangay outpost or guardhouse.
Drive safely, everyone and hopefully the authorities put a stop to this dangerous ploy.
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